
Showing posts from February, 2024

A Summary of Leviticus, Part 1

Memorial window in Lanercost Parish Church, 1864. Brampton, Northern England.  The scene depicts a levitical burnt offering and references Christ as the ultimate burnt offering.   Using the English Standard Version... Need a Bible?   Super Giant Print?  Would you rather a  NKJV? The Book of Leviticus, with many instructions, we must remember the overall theme - sacrifice . Chapters 1 through 9 focus primarily on various offerings and consecrations: Chapter 1 : This chapter details the laws regarding burnt offerings. It describes how Israelites are to offer cattle, flock, and fowl to God, with specific instructions on how to slaughter and prepare the animals. Chapter 2 : The grain offering is described here. It elaborates on offerings of fine flour, with oil and incense, some of which are to be burnt on the altar, and others given to Aaron and his sons. Chapter 3 : This pertains to the fellowship or peace offering. Instructions are given for offering livestock – either from the herd or

A Summary of Exodus, Part 3

Adoration of the Golden Calf, Nicolas Poussin 1634 Beginning with the 27th chapter: Using the English Standard Version... Need a Bible?   Super Giant Print?  Would you rather a  NKJV? Instructions for the construction of the Tabernacle, its furnishings, and the priestly garments, as well as the eventual realization of these instructions. The amount of instructions here and Leviticus are overwhelming and intensive. We must keep this in mind when we suppose that Christ's yoke is hard to endure. The glory of the cross and having Christ as Lord is the better part. Exodus 27 Instructions are given for building the altar of burnt offering from acacia wood and bronze. Directions for the courtyard of the Tabernacle include detailed measurements and materials. Commandments specify the use of pure olive oil for the lampstand that Aaron and his sons must keep burning from evening until morning. Exodus 28 Details for the priestly garments to be worn by Aaron and his sons are described, includ

A Summary of Exodus, Part 2

  Delivery of Israel Out Of Egypt Samuel Colman 1830 Beginning with the 13th chapter, with a different format. Using the English Standard Version... Need a Bible?   Super Giant Print?  Would you rather a  NKJV? We must not let the repetitive complaining of the people and God's repetitive forgiveness and continual blessings on the people be lost on us. Remember the salvation that comes from Christ came with no complaining from us. Exodus Chapter 13: Consecration of the Firstborn : God instructs that every firstborn male of the Israelites and their livestock be consecrated to Him as a reminder of the tenth plague of Egypt when the firstborn of the Egyptians were killed. Festival of Unleavened Bread : In remembrance of their haste in leaving Egypt, the Israelites are to celebrate the feast of unleavened bread annually. Guidance by Pillar of Cloud and Fire : The Israelites leave Succoth and camp at Etham on the edge of the desert. The Lord guides them by day with a pillar of cloud and

A Summary of Exodus, Part 1

  Pharaoh's Daughter Finding Baby Moses Konstantin Flavitsky, 1855 Exodus Using the English Standard Version... Need a Bible?   Super Giant Print?  Would you rather a  NKJV?      After Joseph and his brothers died, the Israelites were fruitful and multiplied greatly in Egypt, becoming a strong and numerous people. A new king rose to power in Egypt who did not know of Joseph's contributions. This Pharaoh feared the Israelites might join Egypt's enemies in case of war due to their growing population. To control them, he enslaved them and burdened them with hard labor, building cities like Pithom and Rameses for Pharaoh. However, as the oppression increased, so did the Israelites' number and strength. Pharaoh then ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill all male Hebrew babies at birth, but the midwives feared God and did not follow the king's orders. God dealt well with the midwives, and the Israelites continued to multiply.      A Levite couple bore a son, and when they c