A Summary of Exodus, Part 2


Delivery of Israel Out Of Egypt
Samuel Colman 1830

Beginning with the 13th chapter, with a different format.

Using the English Standard Version...

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We must not let the repetitive complaining of the people and God's repetitive forgiveness and continual blessings on the people be lost on us. Remember the salvation that comes from Christ came with no complaining from us.

Exodus Chapter 13:

  • Consecration of the Firstborn: God instructs that every firstborn male of the Israelites and their livestock be consecrated to Him as a reminder of the tenth plague of Egypt when the firstborn of the Egyptians were killed.
  • Festival of Unleavened Bread: In remembrance of their haste in leaving Egypt, the Israelites are to celebrate the feast of unleavened bread annually.
  • Guidance by Pillar of Cloud and Fire: The Israelites leave Succoth and camp at Etham on the edge of the desert. The Lord guides them by day with a pillar of cloud and by night with a pillar of fire.

Exodus Chapter 14:

  • Crossing the Red Sea: God instructs Moses to camp by the sea. Pharaoh pursues the Israelites, but God divides the sea so the Israelites pass through. The Egyptians follow, but God allows the waters to return and drown them.

Exodus Chapter 15:

  • Song of Moses and Miriam: The Israelites sing a song of praise for their deliverance. Miriam, Aaron's sister, leads the women in song and dance with tambourines.
  • Bitter Waters at Marah: The Israelites find the waters at Marah bitter. God shows Moses a piece of wood, which he throws into the water, making it sweet.
  • Elim: The chapter concludes with the Israelites camping at Elim, where there are twelve springs and seventy palm trees.

Exodus Chapter 16:

  • Manna and Quail: The Israelites, journeying from Elim, grumble against Moses and Aaron due to hunger. God sends quail in the evening and manna in the morning as food from heaven.
  • Instructions for Gathering Manna: They are to gather an omer per person, double before the Sabbath, and nothing on the Sabbath.

Exodus Chapter 17:

  • Water from the Rock at Rephidim: The people quarrel with Moses because of a lack of water. Moses strikes a rock at Horeb with his staff, and water comes out.
  • The Amalekites Defeated: Joshua defeats the Amalekites in battle while Moses raises his hands; when they fall, the Israelites wane. Aaron and Hur support Moses' arms, holding them steady until sunset.

Exodus Chapter 18:

  • Jethro, Moses' Father-in-Law, Visits: Jethro hears of God's wonders, visits Moses, and brings Moses' wife and sons. He rejoices at the news of their deliverance and offers sacrifices.
  • Jethro's Advice: After observing Moses judge people all day, Jethro advises Moses to appoint capable men to act as judges for minor matters, while major issues would be brought to Moses.

Exodus Chapter 19:

  • At Mount Sinai: The Israelites reach Sinai, and Moses ascends the mountain where God promises to make them a treasured nation of priests if they obey Him. The people agree to the covenant.
  • Preparation for Receiving the Law: The people are instructed to consecrate themselves and wash their garments; they must not touch the mountain when God descends upon it, or they will die.

Exodus Chapter 20:

  • The Ten Commandments: God speaks the Decalogue directly to the people—a set of ten commandments that include laws about the worship of God, the Sabbath, and ethical instructions concerning interpersonal relations. The finger of God...
    • You shall have no other gods before me.
    • You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them for I the Lord am a jealous God...
    • You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain...
    • Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
    • Honor your father and your mother...
    • You shall not murder.
    • You shall not commit adultery.
    • You shall not steal.
    • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
    • You shall not covet...

Exodus Chapter 21-23:

These chapters lay out the Covenant Code, detailing various laws:

  • Laws about Servants: Regulations regarding Hebrew servants and their release in the seventh year.

  • Personal Injuries: Rules regarding harm or injury to persons and the appropriate compensations.

  • Protection of Property: Laws about theft, damage to fields or vineyards, and restitution.

  • Social Responsibility: Instructions on social justice, treatment of foreigners, widows, and the needy.

  • Sabbaths and Festivals: Keeping of the seventh day, the Sabbatical year, and instructions about three annual festivals.

Exodus Chapter 24:

  • The Covenant Confirmed: Moses writes down all the Lord's words. He builds an altar and twelve pillars, representing the tribes. Young men sacrifice burnt offerings, and Moses sprinkles the people with the blood of the covenant.

Exodus Chapter 25-26:

  • Offerings for the Tabernacle: God asks for contributions for the tabernacle's building.
  • Instructions for the Ark of the Covenant: Details for building the ark, the mercy seat, and the cherubim.
  • Table and Lampstand: Directions regarding the table for bread, its accessories, and the golden lampstand.
  • The Tabernacle: God gives Moses detailed instructions for constructing the portable dwelling (tabernacle), including its design, the materials to be used, and the layout of the covering curtains.

These chapters show the foundational stages of Israel as a nation under God's law, characterized by the giving of the Law and the instructions for worship, which set Israel apart from other nations. The establishment of these laws and guidelines not only provides the ethical and religious framework for the Israelite society but also symbolizes the covenantal relationship between God and Israel.

Romans 9:4 (ESV) They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises.

We at The Word hope this series helps with your journey with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. We urge you to read the Scripture, praying for understanding and aid in application of what you study. May God bless you.

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