A Summary of Genesis, Part 4

Beginning in chapter 36... Using the English Standard Version Check out Paul Holland's teaching on Genesis . Need a Bible? The genealogy of Esau, the brother of Jacob ( also known as Israel ) is listed. Scripture lists the descendants of Esau's wife, Adah, and his other wives, including the Horites who inhabited the land of Seir. The narrative shifts to Joseph, one of Jacob's twelve sons, who is favored by his father and receives a special coat. Joseph has dreams indicating that his family will bow down to him, which sparks jealousy among his brothers. Remember that Joseph was viewed by his brothers as the least among them: in like manner, Jesus was born to the least - humble, no earthly advantage. The focus briefly shifts from Joseph to the story of Judah ( the tribe Jesus is born from ) and Tamar. Judah's sons marry Tamar, but they die childless. When Judah denies Tamar a rightful marriage to his remaining son, she disguises herself as a prostitute and bec...