
Showing posts from January, 2024

A Summary of Genesis, Part 4

  Beginning in chapter 36... Using the English Standard Version Check out Paul Holland's teaching on Genesis . Need a Bible? The genealogy of Esau, the brother of Jacob ( also known as Israel ) is listed. Scripture lists the descendants of Esau's wife, Adah, and his other wives, including the Horites who inhabited the land of Seir. The narrative shifts to Joseph, one of Jacob's twelve sons, who is favored by his father and receives a special coat. Joseph has dreams indicating that his family will bow down to him, which sparks jealousy among his brothers. Remember that Joseph was viewed by his brothers as the least among them: in like manner, Jesus was born to the least - humble, no earthly advantage. The focus briefly shifts from Joseph to the story of Judah ( the tribe Jesus is born from ) and Tamar. Judah's sons marry Tamar, but they die childless. When Judah denies Tamar a rightful marriage to his remaining son, she disguises herself as a prostitute and bec

A Summary of Genesis, Part 3

  Beginning in Chapter 22... Using the English Standard Version Check out Paul Holland's teaching on  Genesis. Need a Bible? God tests Abraham's faith by commanding him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Abraham obediently prepares to carry out the sacrifice, knowing that God would provide , and at the last moment, God provides a ram for the offering instead. This story demonstrates Abraham's unwavering faith and God's faithfulness. Sarah, Abraham's wife, passes away at the age of 127. Abraham mourns her death and purchases a burial site called the Cave of Machpelah in Hebron to lay her to rest. Abraham sends his servant to find a suitable wife for his son Isaac. The servant, guided by God's providence, meets Rebekah at a well in the city of Nahor. After witnessing her kind-heartedness, the servant brings her back to Isaac, and they are married. We are introduced to the descendants of Abraham through his second wife, Keturah. It also records Abraham'

A Summary of Genesis, Part 2

  Beginning with chapter 14... Using the English Standard Version Check out Paul Holland's teaching of   Genesis. Need a Bible?      Many kings fought in the land and among them were the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah. Sodom and Gomorrah, with the kings that were with them lost the battle. The winning kings took Lot captive. Abram heard of Lot's captivity and assembled his men to rescue his nephew. Abram fought them at night and won, bringing back Lot and all the goods that were taken. God was with Abraham.     Melchizedek. king of Salem, and a priest of God blesses Abram. Abram gave the priest (you'll see the name again in the New Testament) a tenth of everything he regained from the defeated kings. The king of Sodom offered to Abram all the rest of the goods recovered, but Abram refused stating that he had swore to "Lord, God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth, that I would not take a thread..."(14:23).     God then makes a covenant with Abram. Abram asks for

A Summary of Genesis, Part 1

Genesis Using the English Standard Version Need a Bible? Check out Paul Holland's teaching on Genesis, here is an  example. "In the beginning, God..."(1:1)- the Supreme Almighty - created all that we know, see and yet to know and see, in six days. On the seventh day He rested. "Our image" is generally understood as God - the Father, Jesus - The Son, and the Holy Spirit. God created man and woman, called the man Adam and Adam called his wife Eve ( mother of all living; 3:20).  God placed them in a garden of Eden and gave man control over everything, except the Tree of Knowledge. It is generally understood that God created in mankind "free-will" as Eve took a fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, disobeying God. Adam then partook of that same fruit. They were deceived by a serpent that is Satan. Adam and Eve immediately knew they had sinned against God. God punishes Adam and Eve and condemns Satan, promising "he shall bruise your head"(3:15) - a deat