
The Valley

  The Valley The world tends to punch us when we’re down. Outside of our control, we may have enemies, especially due to the Cross and the truth found in Scripture. This morning let’s consider David and how he was called – anointed- and found himself often at odds with his environment. We are called to obey Christ, we are called to spread the Truth in love, we are called to care for our fellow man, and we are called to view heaven as the end game, not this world – all things that will put us at odds with the world.   As we recall, Jesus stated in Matthew 10:  “… and you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. ”   And in John 15, speaking of how the world will view His disciples:   “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.   19  If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.   20  Remember w

Isaiah, Chapters 9 through 12

Isaiah 9-12  Immanuel, Judgement, and Immanuel’s Rule  Chapter 9, Immanuel V1-7  I. V1, 2 – V1 The Hebrew Bible has 9:1 as 8:23; but remember there were  no such divisions in the ancient manuscripts. Zebulun and Naphtali had land north of Mount Caramel and west of the Sea of Galilee. Galilee of  the Gentiles had a mixed population according to Shackleford (132). This  is also the territory of Nazareth. God has held them in contempt, but glory is coming. V2 “walk” or “walk” and “dwelt” or “live” is in the same perfect tense in the Hebrew indicating the action was certain. John in  Chapter 1:9 states,” the true Light which, coming into the world,  enlightens every man” and then verse 12, “I am the Light of the world…”  II. V3 – The result of that light? Increased joy and rejoicing! III. V4,5 – Two historical references here, Egyptian bondage and then the  defeat of Midian (Judges 6-8).  IV. V6 – The declaration – In the Hebrew, what is important is listed first  grammatically: “Child” an

Isaiah, Chapters 6 through 8

  Isaiah 6-8  The Call, The Sign, and The Attack  Chapter 6  The Call  V1-4  I. V1 - Uzziah, also called Azzariah, “did right in the sight of the Lord” and “God prospered him” (2 Kings 15:3a; 2 Chron. 26:4a; 2 Chron. 26:5) but he did something that he shouldn’t have done (2 Chron. 26: 1-19) so God punished him. As best we can see, his death was in 740-739 BC. The same year, Isaiah is called. “Sitting on the throne, high and lifted up” shows us that God is above all. He is King of kings. He is Lord of lords. The robe of the Lord filled the temple; possibly an illustration of the fullness of God. God alone is exalted.  II. V2 - The only time Seraphim [ seraph - fire; fiery creatures] is mentioned in the Bible is Isaiah. Revelation (4:8) may allude to them. The description of them is as impressive creatures. Two wings cover the head, two wings cover the feet, a sign of humility (Holland, 24)  III. V3 - “Holy, Holy, Holy” is the proclamation. Motyer calls it a “super-superlati

Isaiah, Chapters 3 through 5

Exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1840 and dated c.1838 by Hungerford. Isaiah was a Hebrew prophet of the 8th century BC. Traditionally he was the author of the Old Testament Book named after him. One of Meissonier’s few religious subjects, this is a study for a steel engraving in Léon Curmer’s edition of Bossuet’s 'Discours sur l’histoire universelle' (1841).   Please have your Bible with you as you go through these lessons. My favorite is the ESV as it is closer to the Greek than most translations and is easy to read; however, this study was created with the NKJV and the NASB. Your favorite will work, too! It is highly encouraged to read the verse or chapter first, then go through the lesson - either way is fine. There are questions at the end to hopefully help you remember some things from the study. Need a Bible?   Super Giant Print?  Would you rather a  NKJV? Isaiah 3-5 More of the “real” Jerusalem Chapter 3 V1 I. “For” - connects what is about to be said to the verses 2:6-2